
(COOLLIST) Pager Experiment Success

Three responses!  Cool!

First, I decided to make the address easier to remember.  You can now
send your wacky one-liners to page-ben@yak.net.  page-ben@techwood.org
also works (or will work, once the aliases file gets updated on eniac).

Second, my Memo Express does have a per-message limit, somewhere around 110
characters.  So the sender of the long quote got cut off with only a M
to identify it.

Third, is John Galt a buffalo?

Fourth, merry Christmas, Happy new Year, all that.

        eebmoC .L nimajneB | Benjamin L. Combee                (REVERSE) 
       gro.doowhcet@eebmoc | combee@techwood.org           (ENGINEERING) 
\eebmoc\ten.kay.www\\:ptth | http://www.yak.net/combee/        (RESERVE)
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