SCRABBLE® Crossword Game Tournament
January 1st-2nd, 2006
50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road
Los Gatos, California 95032
DIRECTORS: John Karris (jgkarris@comcast.net) 408-836-2311,
John C. Green, Jr. (jcgreen00@comcast.net) 650-814-1289,
and Rick Wong (kablooey@gmail.com)
TOURNEY WEBSITE: http://www.yak.net/kablooey/scrabble/open06.html
Open (1600 and above, plus any playups) $80 US
All others $60 US
All players may sign up for the Open Division, regardless of current rating. Other players will be split into divisions of 8-12 players based on NSA rating. Players must be current National Scrabble® Association members. You may join the NSA by adding $20 annual dues.
Entries with full payment RECEIVED by December 1st will receive $10 cashback when registering before 9am on Sunday January 1st.
All entry fees must be received by 9am on Sunday January 1st. $10 Surcharge for walk-ins and fees paid at the door on Sunday!
LUNCH: No lunch included.
Sunday  8 games  Registration begins at 8:30 am; Play starts as soon as we're ready (est. 9:30am).
Monday  6 games  Board setup begins at 8am; Play starts promptly at 9:00 am
PRIZES: Cash prizes will be awarded to top finishers in all divisions. Actual prize amounts will be determined based on the number of entrants. The directors for this tournament are not paid, and all after-expense funds are intended to be awarded as prize money.
LODGING: Los Gatos Lodge rooms may be reserved by calling (408) 354-3300 or (800) 231-8676. Please mention the Scrabble tournament.
LOCAL CHARM: The Los Gatos Lodge is located within walking distance of delightful "downtown" Los Gatos with its many shops and restaurants.
EQUIPMENT: Please bring Deluxe Scrabble® Game Boards, clocks, and tournament tiles.
ENTRY: Complete and print the form below and mail with check or money order to:
  Rick Wong
  454 Porter Lane
  San José, CA 95127-2553
  (415) 425-2798

Cut and mail this form with your entry fee

Please register me for the 2006 Los Gatos Open, January 1st-2nd, 2006.
I will arrive by 9:00 on January 1st for check-in.
My entry fee is enclosed:
$80  Open Division
$60 (under 1600)  Grouped Divisions
Name Phone
City State ZIP Code

Round 12 Standings
Prize List
Final Crosstable and Ratings