Copyright (c) 1996 San Jose Scrabble Club No. 21
AA rough, cindery lava AE one AI three-toed sloth OE Faroean wind EAU water AEON long period of time AERO pert. to aircraft AGEE to one side AGIO currency exchange commission AGUE malarial fever AIDE assistant AJEE to one side (agee) AKEE tropical tree ALAE [ala-pl] (wing) ALEE toward side away from wind ALOE African plant AMIA freshwater fish AMIE female friend ANOA wild ox AQUA water AREA amount of space/cerebral cortex section ARIA melody for a single voice ASEA at sea AURA invisible emanation AUTO to ride in an auto AWEE awhile BEAU boyfriend CIAO intj. used as farewell EASE to alleviate EAUX [eau-pl] (water) EAVE lower projecting roof edge EIDE [eidos-pl] (essence) EMEU emu EPEE fencing sword ETUI case for holding small articles EURO large kangaroo IDEA thought ILEA [ileum-pl] (part of the small intestine) ILIA [ilium-pl] (pelvic bone) INIA [inion] (part of the skull) IOTA very small amount IXIA flowering plant JIAO Chinese monetary unit LIEU stead LUAU Hawaiian feast MEOU to meow MOUE pouting grimace NAOI [naos-pl] (ancient temple) OBIA African sorcery (obeah) OBOE woodwind instrument ODEA [odeum] (concert hall) OGEE S-shaped molding OHIA tropical tree (lehua) OLEA [oleum-pl] (oil) OLEO margarine OLIO miscellaneous collection OOZE to leak out slowly OUZO Greek liqueur QUAI quay RAIA non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey (rayah) ROUE lecherous man TOEA monetary unit of Papua New Guinea UNAI two-toed sloth (unau) UNAU two-toed sloth UREA chemical compound UVEA layer of the eye ZOEA larval form of certain crustaceans AALII tropical shrub ADIEU farewell AECIA [aecium-pl] (spore-producing organ of certain fungi) AERIE birdŐs nest built high on a mountain or cliff AIOLI garlic mayonnaise AQUAE [aqua-pl] (water) AREAE [area-pl] (cerebral cortex section) AUDIO sound reception or transmission AURAE [aura-pl] (invisible emanation) AUREI [aureus] (gold coin of ancient Rome) COOEE to cry out shrilly EERIE weird LOOIE armed forces lieutenant LOUIE armed forces lieutenant (looie) MIAOU to meow OIDIA [oidium] (type of fungus) OORIE shivering with cold (ourie) OURIE shivering with cold QUEUE to line up URAEI [uraeus-pl] (figure of the sacred serpent on the headdress of ancient Egyptian rulers) ZOEAE [zoea-pl] (larval form of certain crustaceans) ABOULIA loss of will power (abulia) ACEQUIA irrigation ditch or canal AECIDIA [aecidium-pl] (spore-producing organ of certain fungi) AENEOUS having a greenish gold color AEOLIAN pert. to wind (eolian) AEONIAN everlasting (eonian) AEROBIA [aerobium-pl] (organism that requires oxygen to live-aerobe) ALIENEE one to whom property is transferred AMOEBAE [amoeba] (unicellular microscopic organism) ANAEMIA anemia AQUARIA [aquarium] (water-filled box for fish) AQUEOUS pert. to water AREOLAE [areola] (small space in a network of leaf veins) AUREATE golden AUREOLA halo AUREOLE to surround with a halo AURORAE [aurora] (rising light of the morning) COUTEAU knife EPINAOI [epinaos-pl] (rear vestibule) EUCAINE anesthetic EUGENIA tropical evergreen tree EULOGIA blessing/holy bread EUPNOEA normal breathing (eupnea) EVACUEE one that is evacuated EXUVIAE [exuvium] (molted covering of an animal) IPOMOEA flowering plant MIAOUED [miaou] (to meow) NOUVEAU newly arrived OOGONIA [oogonium] (female sexual organ in certain algae and fungi) OUABAIN cardiac stimulant OUGUIYA monetary unit of Mauritania ROULEAU roll of coins wrapped in paper SEQUOIA large evergreen tree TAENIAE [taenia-pl] (headband worn in ancient Greece) URAEMIA abnormal blood condition (uremia) ZOOECIA [zooecium-pl] (secreted chamber in which a zooid lives) {OSPD3} ABOIDEAU type of dike ABOITEAU type of dike (aboideau) AUREOLAE [aureola] (halo) EPOPOEIA epic poem (epopee) EULOGIAE [eulogia] (holy bread) AUTOECIOUS passing through all stages of life on the same host
Last modified: G2T (29 Feb 1996)