
[img_2423.jpg] [David Brown] [David Brown] [David Brown] [David Brown]
David tries to explain Algebraic Geometry to me
[David Brown] [img_2429.jpg] [img_2430.jpg] [img_2432.jpg] [img_2433.jpg]
All of the student organizations at UC Berkeley get these nifty officesUC Berkeley Camponile
[img_2433a.jpg] [img_2433b.jpg] [img_2434.jpg] [img_2435.jpg] [img_2436.jpg]
UC Berkeley CamponileUC Berkeley CamponileUC Berkeley StadiumUC Berkeley Campus
[img_2437.jpg] [img_2438.jpg] [img_2439.jpg] [img_2440.jpg] [David Brown]
UC Berkeley Camponile (campus phallic symbol)Soda Hall, the CS Building at UC BerkeleyColors so pretty, Only in California
[img_2442.jpg] [David Eger, David Brown] [David Eger, David Brown]
With the amount of pleasure David's gotten from studying his ass off this semester, he was a bit shocked at the title of this collection of Russell's writings: "In Praise of Idleness"