"run.txt" -- Genetic Programming, evolving for Fitness -- Scripting Framework (based in Tcl) for experimenting with GP, with choices of GP languages and problem to which to evolve solutions -- Choice of Three evolvable languages: -- Two new languages written in C++ for speed: -- Genetic2005 -- Lithium4 -- Evoperl, a subset of Perl, executed by the "perl" command -- Choice of Target vectors, each 256 number long, each number in 0..255: -- XXXXX: the number 88 (the letter 'X') repeated 256 times -- ones: 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 255 -- twos: 0 2 4 6 8 10 ... (each modulo 256) -- sevens: 0 7 14 21 28 ... (each modulo 256) -- squares: 0 1 4 9 16 25 ... (each modulo 256) -- hello: "hello12345" (repeated) -- letters: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (repeated) -- Choice of three general purpose Fitness Functions: -- based on distance between target a[256] and current output b[256]: 255 dist(a,b) = SUM | a[i] - b[i] | * ( 256 - i )**e i=0 -- e=0: simple manhattan distance (in 256 dimensions) -- e=1: "linear wedge" -- e=2: "quadratic wedge" -- Utilities for each of the three languages -- random program creation -- mutation -- crossover See "quick-start.txt" for how to run it.