As of now, Af8e has a prototype almost done, he just needs to go down to Radio Shack and get a resistor or something to bring down the voltage.
Whats known so far: The server will be entirely self sufficient(sp?) and should be able to run completely off the voltage in the phonelines. Now, you may be asking, "wont those damn 5ESS/5ESS-2000 switches beable to pick up that there was a drop in millivolts and know that there is a "tap" on the line"? Yes, they will, but we have taken that in to account. Thats why we are going to regulate the voltage being used by the server to match that of a telephone. (if that makes sense). You will have to attach it to a different pair, or course. As of right now, we are unsure on how much bandwidth will be achieved from a 900mhz transmittion, but we hope it will be 14.4 or atleast 9600...