
(COOLLIST) Dwarf House FAQ

(Several of you know exactly what this is all about.  I want lots of
feedback here, and even some answers to stick in the slots.  Thanks.)

The Dwarf House Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Benjamin L. Combee

"Food is essential to life--therefore make it good."

The latest edition of this FAQ can always be retrieved from:

Subject: Table of Contents

	0. What is the Dwarf House?
	1. What the hell is a hot brown?
	2. What's with the red door?
	3. When *IS* the Dwarf House open?
	4. Do those darn dwarves really {go to work, go home}?
	5. How do I get to the Dwarf House?
	6. What are the fries for?
	7. What is considered valid ID?
	8. What flavors of milkshake can you get?
	9. Where is the best place to sit?
	10. Is the guy behind the counter smarter than he looks?
	11. I'm not near the Ford plant, yet I'm at a Dwarf House.  
	    How can this be possible?
	12. How do I get to Alabama from the Dwarf House?
	13. I'm a vegetarian.  What can I eat at the Dwarf House?
	14. Should it be called the Height-differentiated House?
	99. History of the FAQ


Subject: 0. What is the Dwarf House?


Subject: 1. What the hell is a hot brown?


Subject: 2. What's with the red door?


Subject: 3. When *IS* the Dwarf House open?


Subject: 4. Do those darn dwarves really {go to work, go home}?


Subject: 5. How do I get to the Dwarf House?


Subject: 6. What are the fries for?


Subject: 7. What is considered valid ID?


Subject: 8. What flavors of milkshake can you get?


Subject: 9. Where is the best place to sit?


Subject: 10. Is the guy behind the counter smarter than he looks?


Subject: 11. I'm not near the Ford plant, yet I'm at a Dwarf House.  How
             can this be possible?


Subject: 12. How do I get to Alabama from the Dwarf House?


Subject: 13. I'm a vegetarian.  What can I eat at the Dwarf House?


Subject: 14. Should it be called the Height-differentiated House?


Subject: 99. History of the FAQ

This Frequently Asked Questions file was conceived during a trip Ben
Combee took back to Atlanta to hang out with his Georgia Tech buddies
in October 1995.  Charlie Patisaul wrote the original draft in pencil
on the back of a web page printout.  Charlie then stepped down as FAQ
maintainer and passed the torch on to Mr. Combee.  Other people that
helped include Gail Rosen and Dave Clark.  The original FAQ was written
at a git.talk.social party, making it one of the few useful things to
come out of git.talk.social.

Answers may be provided in the future.  For now, its just an in-joke.
        eebmoC .L nimajneB | Benjamin L. Combee                (REVERSE) 
       gro.doowhcet@eebmoc | combee@techwood.org           (ENGINEERING) 
\eebmoc\ten.kay.www\\:ptth | http://www.yak.net/combee/        (RESERVE)
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