
(COOLLIST) Past Lives

I found out this morning that my home phone number had an interesting
past life.  This isn't uncommon; most phone numbers being assigned
today are the cannibalized numbers of other people or businesses.
Well, yesterday, I had two calls from a woman who simply asked me to
call back to a certain number.  That number was different from her
caller ID, which turned out to be a disconnected number (odd, must
have been a switch fluke).  Well, I was able to reach her this
morning, and I discovered that she had been trying to contact a
vitamin distributer.  So, I get to work and do a phone book check, and
sure enough, the former user of my home number was Wachters' Organic
Sea Products (WOSP for short?)  I've not seen the 1997 phone books
yet, I hope they have my number instead, although having no listing
would be fine too.

BTW, I hope you have a happy and safe New Year celebration.  May 1997
be a great year for you.

Benjamin L. Combee (combee@techwood.org) <URL:http://www.yak.net/combee/>
...if the highlight of your day is prowling through signatures looking for
pithy quotes or neat phrases, then consider a career with the IRS or NSA...
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