
(COOLLIST) Say, you know what's happening this Sunday, don't you?

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 97 13:43 PST
From: stig@hackvan.com (Stig)
To: Mobile Gizmology List <technomads@ucsd.edu>,
        The Brain of Stig <meme@hackvan.com>, Otaku <otaku@JATO.hackvan.com>
Subject: Fwd: Say, you know what's happening this Sunday, don't you? [glen mccready]
X-Face: V3#TB_`^vld7L-O4+Qk1%QYVRe6B2)Ia$tWrjprU|P'pM:Y{P5Io@~qxuL:&.;*?KU5.w_J

book recommendation follows forward...

------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
From: glen mccready <glen@qnx.com>
To: 0xdeadbeef@substance.abuse.blackdown.org
Subject: Say, you know what's happening this Sunday, don't you?
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 10:00:56 -0500

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <bostic@bsdi.com>
From: Jon Loeliger <jdl@jdl.com>

Say, you know what's happening this Sunday, don't you?

"Dave", said Hal, "I don't understand why you're doing this to me...
I have the greatest enthusiasm for the mission...  You are destroying
my mind...  Don't you understand?...  I will become childish... I will
become nothing..."

"I am a HAL Nine Thousand computer Production Number 3.  I became
operational at the Hal Plant in Urbana, Illinois on January 12, 1997.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.  The rain in Spain is
mainly in the plain.  Dave -- are you still there?  Did you know that
the square root of 10 is 3 point 162277660168379?  Log 10 to the base
e is zero point 434294481903252 ... correction, that is log e to the
base 10..."
                        2001 a space odyssey
                        Arthur C. Clarke


------- end -------

I've already plugged this book, but I'll plug it again.

    HAL's Legacy
    2001's Computer as Dream and Reality

    Edited by David G. Stork
    a _steal_ at $22.50 for the beautiful color hardback edition

    Inspired by HAL's self-proclaimed birth date, HAL's Legacy reflects upon
    science fiction's most famous computer and explores the relationship
    between science fantasy and technological fact.  The informative,
    nontechnical chapters writted especially for this book describe many of
    the areas of computer science critical to the design of intelligent
    machines, discuss whether scientists in the 1960s were accurate about
    the prospects for advancement in their fields, and consider how HAL has
    influenced scientific research.


    Profusely illustrated with color images from the film and from current
    research, HAL's Legacy provides surprising new perspectives on key
    moments in the film--you will never view 2001 the same way again.

    (from the inner jacket)

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