
(COOLLIST) Sign of the Times

Last night, while at Book People, I saw the *SECOND* novel in a series
of the shelf based upon a noted WWW science fiction program: The
Stalker Files.  Yow!  Life can be surreal, ya know.

Also surreal is Yahoo! Austin <URL:http://austin.yahoo.com>, a
personalized Yahoo database with info related geographically to my
current place of residence.  They also have message boards for
Austinites.  In a topic on suggestions for newcomers, I found this:

> From: val
> Subject: Re: Suggestions?
> relax. slow down. don't complain about the liberals. swim in barton
> springs. hike or bike the greenbelt...and say hello. go to eeyore's
> birthday party(pease park in spring). climb to the top of mount
> bonnell. eat tex-mex on the east side. walk the drag. visit the
> ransom center. take a capitol tour. ride a dillo. sunbathe at lake
> travis. walk along bull creek. drive out to the salt lick (byob). go
> to laguna gloria. take in some local theater. recycle. tread
> lightly. enjoy!


BTW, CombeeWeb was just updated.  The Austin Chronicle now has a
search engine for their club listings, so I set up some URLs for
people to check to see if the groups I like are playing soon.  That's
at <URL:http://www.yak.net/combee/music.html>.

Hmmm, what else?  Look for anothe short story soon... I'm working on
something that I hope will be funny and insightful.  I'd even be happy
with just one of those.

Benjamin L. Combee (combee@techwood.org) <URL:http://www.yak.net/combee/>
...if the highlight of your day is prowling through signatures looking for
pithy quotes or neat phrases, then consider a career with the IRS or NSA...
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