
(COOLLIST) Austin -- good show this Thursday

I'll most likely be out of town, but if you want to see some good live
music soon, then this looks like one not to miss.  From the Austin
Chronicle webpage:

Thu, Mar 20, 1997 @ Hole In The Wall: Nortons / Benefit For
Showdown: Doenuts / Hyperfluff / Instruments / Cattleguard / Festus

Hyperfluff just released a very good CD, the Instruments (formerly the
Texas Instruments) are very tight, and Cattleguard does a fine job as
well.  I don't know much about Doenuts, Nortons, or Festus, but since
they bookend the festivities, you can show up late and go home early
if they suck.

Benjamin L. Combee (combee@techwood.org) <URL:http://www.yak.net/combee/>
...if the highlight of your day is prowling through signatures looking for
pithy quotes or neat phrases, then consider a career with the IRS or NSA...
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