
(COOLLIST) forwarded message from HUGH MCARTHUR

A distinguished reply to my April Fool's Press Release from an old
friend in North Georgia...

From: "HUGH MCARTHUR" <kj4pw@ocsonline.com>
To: <combee@techwood.org>
Subject: Re: (COOLLIST) forwarded message from MR BUBBA M. CATHY
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 10:47:19 -0500

Ben, keep up the good work!    Mac.     I really like Motorolas new
initiative re: pagers being cross-marketed with Pizza!  Marketing
strategies could be "Eat and Beep!"  In the south we could consider: 
"Don't miss a call while you Chew Y'all!"  If the pizza is not too good
consideration could be given to "Burp and Beep!"  How about this, "New
pager aids digestion by eliminating disgusting beeps; syncopated, cud
chewing emulations are thought to stimulate up to 60% less gas and 80% more
efficient fuel utilization!"  This novel idea could be accompanyed with the
notion that even if one has no friends to call them, our pager could be
programed to simply make cud-chewing sounds at pre-programmed intervals. 
Could this pager be used to increase milk production among the nations
bovine population?????  Geeeesh, what possibilities!!
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