
(COOLLIST) More Cool Documentation

From the INFO file of the message package in Emacs:

     Headers in this list that were previously generated by Message
     will be deleted before posting.  Let's say you post an article.
     Then you decide to post it again to some other group, you naughty
     boy, so you jump back to the `*post-buf*' buffer, edit the
     `Newsgroups' line, and ship it off again.  By default, this
     variable makes sure that the old generated `Message-ID' is
     deleted, and a new one generated.  If this isn't done, the entire
     empire would probably crumble, anarchy would prevail, and cats
     would start walking on two legs and rule the world.  Allegedly.

Ben Combee, Software Guru, (in 'ARMs way, perhaps???)
Motorola > MIMS > MSPG > AMG > AMCD > Austin Design Center
E-mail: ra3781@email.mot.com   Phone: (512) 891-7141
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