
(COOLLIST) My Grandmother's Passing

I just got a page from my father on my way back from lunch today; my
grandmother, Ruby Jones Combee, died this afternoon around 2
P.M. Eastern time.  She had been seriously ill for the last three
weeks after a liver failure and massive swelling.  I was able to fly
back to Dalton briefly to see her and talk to her while she was still
cogent, and I'm glad for the moments I was able to spend with her and
with my family.

Grandmother Combee was a great woman.  She raised two wonderful
children, but touched so many more people.  She was always giving
herself, especially through her cooking.  When I was very young, she
watched me while my mom went to work, and I continued to visit her
often.  Her house was a second home to me and to my sister.

It's going to be a sad time for me and my family, but we are at peace
with the situation.  She was mentally ready for this, and we had a
chance to say our goodbyes and our prayers for her.  I'm told that it
was quiet at the end.  She was sleeping, breathing very slowly; then,
the breathing stopped.

I'd like to thank those of you whose thoughts have been with me and my
family through this.  The beams have been appreciated.
Ben Combee, Software Guru, (in 'ARMs way, perhaps???)
Motorola > MIMS > MSPG > AMG > AMCD > Austin Design Center
E-mail: ra3781@email.mot.com   Phone: (512) 891-7141
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