

I pulled this from the Intel Secrets webpage.  Start at
http://www.x86.org/ and work your way through it.  Its pretty
dry, with lots of info that only hardware and low-level chip
people (like me) would want to know.  Anyway, on the Pentium and
newer CPUs, there is a CPUID instruction that returns the
make of a CPU.  Here is the return values for various manufacturers.

 name    opcodes   description
 CPUID   0F A2     CPU identification
                   in:   EAX=0         get max. identification level and vendor
                   out:  EAX=1         max. identification level is 1 now
                         EBX-EDX-ECX   vendor identification
                           'GenuineIntel' - Intel i486, iPentium or iP6 CPU
                           'UMC UMC UMC ' - UMC U5S or U5D processor
                           'AuthenticAMD' - AMD 486DX2 or DX4 (enh.) processor
                           'CyrixInstead' - Cyrix M1 processor

I really like the Cyrix return code.
        eebmoC .L nimajneB | Benjamin L. Combee                (REVERSE) 
       gro.doowhcet@eebmoc | combee@techwood.org           (ENGINEERING) 
\eebmoc\ten.kay.www\\:ptth | http://www.yak.net/combee/        (RESERVE)
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