
Re: (COOLLIST) Show distribution

> related video of an old Lucasfilm game for the Atari 800 (Rescue
> on Fractalus, to be exact).

Cool game :-)

> I have NO problem with several of you getting together to get one
> copy and making copies yourself once it arrives in Atlanta or 
> whereever.  In fact, that would be preferred, just on a time used
> basis.

I don't think that any of us expected you to foot the bill for all this
Ben. I am more than happy to pay for a copy including shipping and handling.
I am also willing to be the contact point to make other dubbings of this to
show other people. I have access to two VCRs and I can probably get a hold
of some 30 minuthe video tapes really cheap.

Vernard Martin
(vernard.martin@cc.gatech.edu) http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/vernard/
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332

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