
(COOLLIST) (CL)TV Airtimes

Well, I just checked the ACTV web pages, and I have these as the
first airtimes for (COOLLIST) Prototype, the episode I've been
touting lately.

Channel 10:
12/29/95 0000 (COOLLIST) Prototype

Channel 16:
12/26/95 0030 (COOLLIST) Prototype
12/30/95 0130 (COOLLIST) Prototype

I'm on late, but not into the adult time block of 2AM+.  OK for a first
show, too.

Gotta get sleep,
        eebmoC .L nimajneB | Benjamin L. Combee                (REVERSE) 
       gro.doowhcet@eebmoc | combee@techwood.org           (ENGINEERING) 
\eebmoc\ten.kay.www\\:ptth | http://www.yak.net/combee/        (RESERVE)
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